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May 7, 2023

What to do When You're Feeling Conflicting Emotions in Momlife

What to do When You're Feeling Conflicting Emotions in Momlife

I was full of seemingly mixed emotions when I first beacame a mom (and before all of this mindfulness), and at the time this ambiguity confused me to a point of distress.

Momlife instigating a dynamic misxture of emotions in any given day or moment is something worth exploring from a mindfulness perspective. By the end of this episode, you’ll have a solid strategy to lean on in these times of conflicting emotions.

Amy Schumer's Mother's Day skit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRiGtHTJb0A

Come join us in the Village!! We would enjoy getting to know you and practicing mindfulness as Mamas together. You can learn and practice the skills for happiness in momlife and feel more like yourself every single day.

Momlife Quarterly: http://momlifequarterly.com

The Village: https://village.mamasimpatico.com

Mama Simpatico Website: https://mamasimpatico.com

Exclusive Meditations: app.helloaudio.fm/feed/625206ab-0297-4ac6-a356-dae6d6e5b278/signup

7 Days to Self-Compassion Audio Course: https://7daystoself-compassion.mamasimpatico.com/