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Feb. 19, 2023

The Scientist and The Flight: The Human

The Scientist and The Flight: The Human

This is the 4th and final episode on a series of 4 about how we can approach utilizing mindfulness as a remedy for our most challenging emotional experiences in mom life: anxiety, depression, burn-out, anger, loneness, mom guilt, and so many more.

In this episode I will share two invaluable benefits of following the process anchored by the story of The Scientist and the Flight and you’ll discover a useful practice in real life to grow feelings of connection to others throughout the day.

Come join us in the Village!! We would enjoy getting to know you and practicing mindfulness as Mamas together. You can learn and practice the skills for happiness in momlife and feel more like yourself every single day.

Momlife Quarterly: http://momlifequarterly.com

The Village: https://village.mamasimpatico.com

Mama Simpatico Website: https://mamasimpatico.com

Exclusive Meditations: app.helloaudio.fm/feed/625206ab-0297-4ac6-a356-dae6d6e5b278/signup

7 Days to Self-Compassion Audio Course: https://7daystoself-compassion.mamasimpatico.com/