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March 5, 2023

Managing Momlife with Mindfulness: Helpful Habits for Managing Momlife

Managing Momlife with Mindfulness: Helpful Habits for Managing Momlife

The course this month is called “Managing Momlife with Mindfulness.” We will be discussing and practicing the elements of mindfulness, that when we have them in place, will help us feel more joy, and more like ourselves, and make managing mom life a whole lot easier.

I will use the acronym S.H.I.N.E to help us remember the elements of living mindfully in momlife.

S: Sit  H: Habits   I: Inner Wisdom  N: Neighbor   E: Education

This week we will be talking about the H which stands for habits. We will discuss what habits are, how to change unhelpful habits and create new helpful ones, and discuss how this relates to managing momlife so that you can use habits to feel more like yourself. Don’t worry about writing everything down, I’ve got some handy printables for you to download in The Village.

There is a A LOT of info in this epsidoe, but the takeaway from today can be simple. Have self-compassion for your unwanted habits and know that you can build a happier momlife through creating habits from small mindfulness practices one at a time.

Come join us in the Village!! We would enjoy getting to know you and practicing mindfulness as Mamas together. You can learn and practice the skills for happiness in momlife and feel more like yourself every single day.

Momlife Quarterly: http://momlifequarterly.com

The Village: https://village.mamasimpatico.com

Mama Simpatico Website: https://mamasimpatico.com

Exclusive Meditations: app.helloaudio.fm/feed/625206ab-0297-4ac6-a356-dae6d6e5b278/signup

7 Days to Self-Compassion Audio Course: https://7daystoself-compassion.mamasimpatico.com/